
The Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peeling System

If you are looking for a results driven skin care treatment in the Kansas City area, there is no better option than the Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peeling System. Kenlee’s Skin Shop is proud to offer this unique & amazing chemical peel! The Elaine Brennan System is the most effective way to obtain healthy, glowing, beautiful, younger-looking and blemish-free skin. Life is too short to not love your face!

The Elaine Brennan Peel consists of a proprietary peeling formulation that has been carefully developed and cannot be duplicated anywhere else. This treatment produces superior results that are 100% safe and effective, making it suitable for all ages, skin types and skin tones.

As you go through the chemical peel process, you will experience the removal of old & damaged layers of skin, followed by the big reveal of new skin that is more supple, firm, smooth and balanced. We recommend this skin care treatment to anyone in the Kansas City or Johnson County area who is searching for the most effective way to obtain & maintain healthy, beautiful skin!

The Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peel offered at Kenlee’s Skin Shop is a deep, reliable exfoliation of the skin with no destruction of the living layers. This is very different than other types of deep skin treatments which can pose higher risks and negatively affect and destroy the living tissue. In fact, our specialty Chemical Peel treatment actually restores and stimulates the regrowth and strengthening of your skin. The beneficial effects of this process continue for up to 8-12 months as collagen and elastin remodeling continue to take place over time!

This amazing approach achieves a true rejuvenation of skin, resulting in dramatic improvement of elasticity, texture and color which is unsurpassed in the field of exfoliation. We are convinced that our skin renewal system is the safest & most effective peeling system available.

We are the top Midwest provider of the Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peel System. Why go anywhere else in Kansas City for your skin care needs? Here at Kenlee’s Skin Shop we have both the experience and results to help you reach your skin care goals!

How is this different from our traditional peels?


The EB System has zero risk and maximum stability due to its molecular size and delivery method. This means it can go much deeper than our traditional peels, but without any increased risk. In fact, there is zero risk with this incredible system. No risk = increased results in a faster timeframe!

Complete Face & Neck Peel

Because of the high stability and zero risk, this peel is able to go right over the entire eye area, including eyelids! It can also be used full strength on the neck. The full application on eyes/neck is very unique to this peel system & it allows us to target delicate areas that require extra attention.

Collagen Stimulation

Since the EB System has a greater depth than standard peels, it is able to induce more collagen stimulation that lasts longer (up to 8-12 months) after the peel. This means your skin continues to improve and strengthen for a very long time!

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Before/After - Face

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1. What is the application process?

Each peel is a 2 day application process. You will need to be available for 3 hours on 2 consecutive days = 6 hours total.

On both application days it will take appx 30 min to apply, followed by a 2 hour processing time, and then a 30 min removal. While processing you will be able to relax alone in a quiet, darkened room. Many clients actually sleep through most of the peel!

About 7-8 days after the application, you will return for a follow up appointment where we remove any lingering areas of peeling skin. Once you leave this appointment your skin will be looking refreshed and beautiful.

2. Do I need to avoid water?

Due to the unique nature of this peel, water must be avoided until the follow up removal appointment = no full showering or hair washing for 1 week. You will simply apply Growth Factor at least twice a day & become close friends with dry shampoo 🙂

3. How much does it hurt?

Everyone who has done the EB Peel agrees it has the same level of discomfort (or less) as our traditional peels. The stingy sensation lasts appx 20 min, but due to the high stability factor you are able to hold a fan in front of your face as long as needed for maximum comfort.

4. How often should I do this treatment?

To initiate this peel system, clients will need to complete 2 EB Peels, with each one performed 6 weeks apart. After completing the 1st 2 peels, most clients will only need to do 1 big peel every 10-12 months to continue supporting their collagen matrix. We love the simplicity of planning appx 1 big peel per year!

*For more extreme situations, we may recommend 3 initial peels, and/or 2 maintenance peels throughout the year. However, most people will do well with 2 initial peels + 1 annual peel in conjunction with our no downtime services to keep everything ship shape.

5. What else will I need to do to maintain great skin besides one EB Peel each year?

The ongoing maintenance approach will vary from face to face. We always recommend scheduling a post peel Microderm appt about 6 weeks after the 2nd peel. This appt is where we evaluate your progress and then map out a support treatment schedule to keep your skin moving in the right direction between your big annual peels.

*I anticipate most people will see us anywhere from 6-8x/year outside of their annual EB Peel.

6. Can it be used anywhere else on the body?

Technically it could be used on any area of skin, but the primary areas we suggest are #1: face/neck combo & #2: chest/hands combo.

7. Who can do the EB Peel?

I cannot think of anyone who would not benefit from this system! The best candidates are individuals who have already taken steps to get their skin into a healthy & well-functioning place through proper home care and professional treatments.

If your skin isn’t used to remodeling or restructuring on a regular basis, then it will be harder for it to hold onto these bigger changes.

Everyone will have beautiful initial results, but in order to have long lasting results you will need to be assessed to ensure your skin is ready for the challenge. We require that clients have completed a minimum of 2 regular peels with us prior to switching over to the new peel system.

*Think of this as a “walk before you run” philosophy…if you are just learning how to crawl, you wouldn’t sign up to run a marathon, right? Similarly, if your skin is unaccustomed to clinical work then it wouldn’t be appropriate to throw the toughest treatment at it on day 1

8. Cold Sores/Fever Blisters

If you are prone to these, then you will want to start a round of anti-viral meds at least 3 days before the big peel to ensure you do not have a breakout. Any stimulating treatment can bring out a fever blister, and we want to minimize any unnecessary discomfort. It would also be ok if you already take L-Lysine daily as a preventative.


Individual cost for each Elaine Brennan Peel is $900

Since 2 peels are required to initiate this system in the skin, we offer both peels at the package price of $1,600.

All clients new to Kenlee’s Skin Shop are required to complete a new client Enzyme Treatment so we can assess and evaluate your skin, plus the completion of 1 traditional peel before we will transition you into the Elaine Brennan Peel System.

We want to make sure you are a good candidate and that your skin is properly prepared before jumping into this level of treatment. We want to ensure you receive the full benefit potential from your investment!

For those committed to doing the Elaine Brennan Peel, we offer an all-inclusive package for $1,800 (regularly $2,085) which includes:

• 1st Enzyme Treatment
• 1 Traditional Chemical Peel
• 2 Elaine Brennan Peels

Treating Chest and Hands

This is going to be a game changer for treating the problematic chest & back of the hands. All the above information still applies when treating these body areas. Utilizing the EB Peel System on the décolleté & hands will be your best tool for preventing these highly visible body parts from giving away your true age!

*it would be overwhelming for the body to go through regeneration on face, neck, chest & hands simultaneously. Therefore, the face/neck & chest/hands must be scheduled separately from each other.

Before/After - Chest and Hands


If you are an existing client of Kenlee’s Skin Shop then you may discuss this exciting new option with your skin care professional to plan your transition into the EB Peel System.

If you are new to our shop, then you will 1st need to schedule a complimentary consultation so we can discuss your skin goals & determine what the best process will be to get you ready for the EB Peel System.

Do not pass up this opportunity to turn back the clock and bring your skin game up to a whole new level of health & wellness.

Let us work our magic with the Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peel System & start transforming your skin today!

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You can schedule a consultation here, call/text us at 913-215-1980, or drop us a note below!